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Infinity Dream Award – Rocco B.

I got nominated for an award…again. Just when I thought I was out of the woods, I found a comment from my fan, Rocco B., saying I was nominate  for the Infinity Dream award.

It’s cool. These awards are fun to do. I just don’t want you guys getting sick of me doing them.

Alright, enough exposition, lets get right into it.


  • List seven dreams. (They can be personal or website related.)
  • Nominate seven other bloggers/authors for this award and notify them.


Dream 1: Education

I want to get my doctoral degree. For a while now, I’ve been wanting to make the most of life, to push as far as I possibly can into the real world. I feel like if I’m not going to get my doctoral degree, education feels kinda worthless. It would be as if you’re watching a REALLY good anime, and you never watch the final episodes. It would feel like a waste if I never pushed beyond my Masters or Bachelors, when I get there.

Dream 2: Author

Ever since I was a wee little kid, I’ve always wanted to write for a living. I’ve dreamed of creating my own world, where I’m free to do what I want, where I could be god, and sharing it with humanity. Although I want to eventually write a fantasy epic on the scale of Lord of the Rings and Chronicles of Narnia, I’m actually thinking about writing dystopian and tragedies.

Dream 3: A Community of Analysts

Starting up this website, I knew it would take quite a bit of time to get any real following. Heck, I’m 3 months in, and I only have 30 followers. 30 people out of the 6 billion people in the world. I dream of writing for a large scale audience, and will be patient for my blog to grow to that level.

Dream 4: Diamond

I’m a pretty big fan of League of Legends. I love it simply because it’s the biggest thing us geeks have to a professional sports league. However, yours truly is kinda bad at the game. I love the game, but I really wanna get better at it so I can have even more fun. My goal is to make it to Diamond, some way or another.

Dream 5: Valedictorian

I’m still in high school, at my junior year. Ever since I started high school, I’ve had one goal: become the valedictorian. I want to the be the top of my class, so that I may look better to all of the colleges I want to attend, and prove that I truly am the best at my school.

Dream 6: Japanese

I think we can all share the aspiration of wanting to learn a language that isn’t our own. For most of you, since you’re reading a blog about anime, I can assume that you want to learn Japanese. To me, Japanese is an intoxicating language to listen to, and I want to learn it in order to insert myself into Japanese culture.

And I totally want to learn Japanese to watch anime without subtitles.

Dream 7: Immortality

To me, the scariest thing that can possibly happen to me is being forgotten. I want a legacy, something humanity to can remember me by. I desire to do something to put myself into the history books, something in order to have kids learn 100 years later about my life story.


This is always my least favorite part about doing awards. I always feel like I’m pestering other people because I nominate the same people every time. So, if you’re reading this you are nominated for the Infinity Dream Award.

When you do it, tell me you’ve done it so that I can edit your link into this post.

Until next time, this has been the Anime Analyst. Zachary, out.

The Wakuwafu Award – Lynlynsays

Using the same picture as last time. Score one for Zachary. Read More…

Real Neat Blogger Award – My Fujoshi Life

So…since last week, I’ve been nominated for 2 awards and a challenge. I’m going to be putting this out as quickly as possible in the upcoming week, since I’m so backed up, so we can return to our regularly scheduled programming.

Also, thank you for nominating me Lisette, from My Fujoshi Life. I appreciate this.

Read More…

Creative Blogger Award

You know, I have two awards now…ball’s in your court Leonardo DiCaprio. Read More…

Nerdultlife Nominated Me for the Liebester Award

Oh! Oh thank you! Thank you! Oh thank you everyone!

*Pulls sheet of paper out of suit*

Oh, this was so unexpected! I would like to thank the academy, my parents, Haruhi herself! Ummm, homeless Bob from down the street because he said he liked my coat that one day!

But in all seriousness, I was nominated for the Liebster Award, which is made to help smaller blogs that are deserving of more attention take off of the ground. I would like to personally thank Nerdultlife for nominating me, and let us begin! Read More…